Ordnance detectionOrdnance detection
Ordnance detection
We adapt
Each project and each location are individual. Therefore, our experts at TAUBER adapt their procedures to suit your specific circumstances. Step by step, they select the right procedures – depending on the geological conditions of the site, the type of possible existing ordnance or local restrictions.

Two different exploration principles can be used to locate the ordnance:
Surface exploration
In surface exploration, measurements on the surface lead to findings up to a depth of three meters – in ideal circumstances, even up to six meters.
Borehole exploration
In borehole exploration (depth exploration), low-vibration, non-cutting bores are made. These boreholes are then geophysically examined – it is also possible in this way to reach great exploratory depths and to safely examine them.
Bei unseren Sondierungen setzen wir folgende Gephysikalische Verfahren ein:
Clearing ordnance

Ordnance detection